Public Safety Diving
ERDI is a Public Safety Diving (PSD) agency that trains police, fire, and other public safety organizations in search and rescue techniques that apply to almost any submerged environment.
ERDI trains departments on how to make and maintain PSD teams and is the only public safety dive training agency that has its own insurance and endorses its own standards. In fact, some of the largest, most successful, and renown public safety departments use ERDI Programs to conduct training.
Each and every day public safety divers face the challenges of swift water, black water, and a myriad of other potentially harmful situations as part of the job. ERDI offers training to help teams accomplish these missions with the best possible education available.
All ERDI programs are both Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA compliant). Many of the ERDI programs can be taught at several levels in accordance with NFPA guidelines. The level of participation in the practical portion of the course will determine the final level of certification. The classification levels are: Awareness, Operations, and Technician. All ERDI programs are available to public safety professionals regardless of their position within a department.
Levels of Training and Certification:
– The Awareness level can be completed by doing the online academics, or participating in the associated classroom-based section of education for the ERDI course of interest. Upon completion of any of the online or classroom ERDI Academy courses, an individual will receive an awareness level certificate. For additional insight and understanding of the course, the individual can audit the practical session.
– The Operations level of certification requires the participant to complete the online or classroom academics and also participate in the non-diving practical segments of the course taught by an ERDI Instructor. Depending on the program an individual is completing, this portion of the training shows how to properly perform and/or supervise non-diving emergency response duties.
– The Technician level is the final step and requires the participant to complete the required number of practical training sessions under the supervision of an ERDI Instructor. Here, the individual will apply what he or she has learned during the awareness and skill-development sessions, while learning practical lessons that can only be gained by performing all practical activities associated with the program.
Get Started
Getting started is easy! We start by scheduling a virtual meeting with with your team and our teaching staff to gain a better understanding of your training & teams needs.
Visit our "Contact Page" or call directly 386-663-8030